
About NV 5210 and how to get involved
As educators, whether in Early Care and Education (ECE) settings or K-12 schools, you play a crucial role in fostering healthy habits among students. You help to shape lifelong behaviors that contribute to good health, and schools are structured environments where healthy habits can seamlessly integrate into students’ daily lives.
Awareness of these simple steps can make a huge impact on students’ lives. Help by spreading the word about NV 5-2-1-0 and displaying the 4-step poster in your classroom or in common student gathering places, such as the main office, library, or cafeteria. By establishing healthy behaviors as the norm, providing access to nutritious meals, and leveraging positive peer influence, educators like you can foster a culture of wellness and empower students of all ages to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. For more information, please fill out the contact us form.
Resources for the classroom
In addition to hanging the NV 5-2-1-0 poster where students can easily see it in your classroom, you can also print the Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) Game Sheet to play with your students and pass out the NV 5-2-1-0 Scientific Rationale.
MaineHealth Resources
- MaineHealth Schools & School Districts Program Guide
- MaineHealth School Goals Template
- MaineHealth Limit or Eliminate Unhealthy Foods; Provide Healthy Choices
- MaineHealth Limit Recreational Screen Time
- MaineHealth Provide Opportunities for Physical Activity
- MaineHealth Limit or Eliminate Sugary Drinks; Provide Water